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Educational Programs Map

3,000+ global educational and training programs for data science and analytics

By default, only Core Programs are shown, those focused directly on data and analysis. To see all programs—ranging from biostatistics to machine intelligence—select All Programs from the bottom of the map.

This page is currently available on desktop only.

How you can help

In the effort to identify and strengthen standards in data science and analytics industries, researchers are collecting data on training and educational programs related to the field. Your contributions are welcome, so please use the form below to add your program if it is not already on our map. 

If you are a student, recent graduate, working professional, educator or instructor in data science or analytics, please consider taking one of the following surveys to help expand our research (10-20 minutes to complete):

Did we miss something?


Let us know if a program is missing from the All Programs map above

Training Type
Select an option:

Thank you for your contribution.



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